New Group News
Sign up for our mailing list and get our monthly news letter emailed to you with announcements, events, new resource links and links to AA stories and information. Here is a preview of what to expect. Sign up for our Mailing List Your information will remain anonymous, and will not be used for any purpose…
Playlist Since 1972
celebrate the spirit of each passing year, enjoy our curated playlist featuring popular music spanning the decades from 1972 to 2024. Listen to the playlist on Spotify
New Group of Alcoholics Anonymous is Celebrating 52 Years of Service
New Group celebrates 52 years of love and service as an LGBTQ+ special interest group of Alcoholics Anonymous in NYC.
Service Beyond the Coffeepot
Learning about service in AA Hosted by Bronx/Upper Manhattan District 701. Learn the basics of service below the group level. Guest speakers: Paola A (SENY Chair) and JoAnn M (SENY Delegate). It will take place Saturday, May 4th at St. Margaret’s Church, 6000 Riverdale Ave, Bronx, NY at 11am. Parking is available, and bagels will…
AA’s 89th Anniversary
Join us for our founder’s day three-speaker open meeting known as The BIG Meeting Saturday, 1st June, 2024, 1-3pmAll Souls Church1157 Lexingron Ave.(near east 80th Street)New, York, NY 10075 Please pre-register to attend, seating is limited.More information and speaker nomination forms are available. Contact: New York Inter-Group307 Seventh Ave. Room 303New York, NY, 10001Phone: 212-647-1647www.nyintergroup.org…
Fellowship of the Spirit NY Conference
MAY 3-5, 2024! Fellowship of the Spirit New York Annual Conference (AA and Al-anon Family Groups) May 3 – 5, 2024 Conference SpeakersStep WorkshopsYoga, Campfires, Meditation and more. Stony Point Center17 Cricketown RoadStony Point, NY 10980-3299 Learn morewww.fotsnewyork.com
Homework: Writing Inventory on the Twelve Steps
Practical experience shows that nothing will so much insure immunity from drinking as intensive work with other alcoholics. It works when other activities fail” – Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, Pg. 89. Below are links to inventory work sheets from writings and talks by Dennis F., et al from the Unity Insures Recovery through Service…
What does it mean to take an inventory?
In the fellowship of Alcoholics Anonymous you may hear someone use the phrase, “taking an inventory” in relationship to doing step work or “working the program”. Taking an inventory is a tool in the recovery journey, specifically outlined in the fourth and tenth steps of the AA program. It’s a process where individuals take a…
New In-Person Women’s Meeting
West Village Women Live! Thursday Nights 7-8pmSaint John’s Lutheran Church83 Christopher Street (Entrance is through the side gate to the left of the church) Please pass the word and announce at other meetings.
Florida Round Up
May 15, 2024 – May 19, 2024 all-day The Westin Fort Lauderdale Beach Resort321 North Fort Lauderdale Beach Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33304 Come join us May 15th-19th 2024! Florida Roundup started in 1984 to bring together the entire LGBTQIA+ Community in Recovery! We’re happy to continue this year providing a program of events for the sharing…